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TTC8450 Mobile Application Development

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General information

Name Mobile Application Development
Code TTC8450
Target Group Bachelor's Degree
Number of ECTS Credits 5
Recommended Year of Study 3rd year
Language English
Prerequisites and co-requisites Basics of JavaScript
Grading 0-5
Communication Dedicated Microsoft Teams channel: #Mobile Programming @ JAMK/IT
Lecturer Pasi Manninen


Welcome to the Mobile Application Development course! In this course student will learn the basics of the mobile application developing with popular Cross-Platform Tools. The student can design, implement and publish mobile applications to mobile devices. Course contains lectures and exercises.

The student understands the prospects of different mobile technologies for implementation of functional applications in mobile devices. The student is able to implement small-scale applications for various mobile platforms using various mobile technologies.

The topics discussed are commonly and currently used cross-platform mobile technologies that can be used to implement applications for various mobile platforms.


This course contains a lot of exercises, so the main goal is to learn by doing!

Personal and group guidance

You can discuss with other students or teacher with Teams at #Mobile Programming @ JAMK/IT. This way we can discuss one on one about any issues you might face during the course or you can try to find help from other students. Discussions can be done on Zoom, Teams or even face to face if the current situation allows it.

Items of assessment


Exercises teaches the basics of the Mobile Application development with a different cross-platform mobile technologies. Every students needs to create a repository to JAMK GitLab/LabraNet with exact rules, so teacher evaluation tool can find it and evaluation can be done.

Read more information: How to work with exercises

Exercises gives 100% of the course evaluation (0-5 number). Student need to todo at least 40% of the exercises to pass the course.

 Exercises done  Number
>= 80% 5
>= 70% 4
>= 60% 3
>= 50% 2
>= 40% 1
< 40% 0


Create your own timetable, when you are creating exercises and research assignment. The final returning date is when the course ends.


Course will be evaluated with exercises.

Participation in the course

Student need to start working within the first three weeks or student will be removed from the course participants.

eRPL Accreditation

You can apply for the accreditation of previously completed higher education studies or for the recognition of competence acquired in other ways (RPL) in Peppi.


Course will contain video lectures and exercises. There are no exact timetable to return exercises. All exercises will be evaluated when course ends or earlier if student wants credits graded.

  • Lectures: 20h
  • Exercises: 115h
  • Total: 135h


All the course materials and exercises can be found in a below table and a left menu. Pre-recorded videos are available in here in this web page.

External material links
Lab Topics Video Duration
easy Introduction to Mobile Application development course and mobile application development. Getting familiar with React. You should check React materials first, if you are not familiar with a React. video 01:55
MAD001 - Course introduction. Note! Research assignment is dropped from the course this autumn. Evaluation is done only with exercises. video 08:25
MAD002 - Mobile Application Development introduction video 19:22
MAD003 - React - Materials External Link video 02:30
MAD004 - Exercise01: React Basics video 30:56
- Exercise01: React Basics code or screenshots
easy Get familiar with React Native application development. The main goal is to learn the basics of the Mobile Application development with React Native. video 03:22
MAD101 - React Native - Introduction video 13:17
MAD102 - React Native - Building blocks video 14:02
MAD103 - Expo video 08:58
MAD104 - Expo - Snack video 05:05
MAD105 - Expo - Create App video 06:43
MAD106 - CLI - Create App video 10:31
MAD107 - Node Package Manager video 07:20
MAD108 - Exercise02: Calculator - Expo video 03:59
MAD109 - Exercise03: ToDo - Expo video 03:56
MAD110 - Exercise04: Movies video 09:40
MAD111 - Exercise05: Movies 2 video 02:31
MAD112 - Exercise06: Weather Forecast video 04:55
MAD113 - Exercise07: My Places video 02:18
MAD114 - Exercise08: Launch a Map video 01:02
MAD115 - Exercise09: Todo with database video 02:00
MAD116 - Exercise10: Native Module video 03:52
MAD117 - Exercise11: Building Standalone Apps video 02:02
- Exercise02-11: exercise repositories and screenshots
medium How to use web pages/applications as a mobile application. A progressive web application - PWA - is a type of application software delivered through the web, built using common web technologies including HTML, CSS and JavaScript. In this lab your will create a some PWA based mobile apps. video 02:17
MAD201 - PWA - Introduction video 19:38
MAD202 - Exercise12: Bitcoin video 06:41
MAD203 - Exercise13: Shopping List video 06:49
- Exercise12-13: exercise repositories and screenshots
medium Flutter is an open source framework by Google for building beautiful, natively compiled, multi-platform applications from a single codebase. In this lab you will get the basic knowledge how to create Flutter based applications. video 01:23
MAD301 - Flutter - Introduction video 16:11
MAD302 - Flutter - Employees video 24:45
MAD303 - Flutter - Multipage video 08:44
MAD304 - Exercise14: Flutter 1 - -
MAD305 - Exercise15: Flutter 2 - -
MAD305 - Exercise16: Flutter 3 - -
- Exercise14-16: exercise repositories and screenshots