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If you have earlier participated Mobile Application Development course and you already have mobile-exercises repository in JAMK/GitLab. You need to check if exercises and/or issues has changed, then remove/rename old mobile-exercises repository and create a new one.


Every students needs to create a repository to GitLab/LabraNet with exact rules, so teacher evaluation tool can find it and evaluation can be done.

Look this video to get help with below steps: Create a repository to GitLab/LabraNet.

  1. Login JAMK-IT/Gitlab/Labranet here:
  2. Create mobile-exercises repository to root level of your account in GitLab/LabraNet, so it can be found path.
  3. Download mobile-exercises.csv to your local computer. This csv file has exercises issues, which will be used later in the Issues Boards. Every issues has a link to the exercises materials in the teacher's repository.
  4. Import issues to your repository using above csv file.
  5. Modify Issues Boards to have Open, Doing, In Review and Closed lists. Label names need to exactly same as they are written here!
  6. Modify created repository settings to get teacher account (Pasi Manninen) included inside it. It is enough to give Reporter access role to teacher. Modify repository settings to allow evaluation from the teacher.

How to work with mobile-exercise repository

  1. Install Git to your own computer and configure Git global username, email and add SSH keys to your profile. After that, you can clone repository from GitLab/LabraNet to your own computer. video
  2. Before you can start work with mobile-exercises repository, it need to be cloned to your own local computer. video (Android exercise video, but valid here too)
  3. Next you can start work with the first exercise. After you have finished one of the exercises, you need to use Git and add added/modified files to Git version control and commit. Finally, you need to push added/modified files/projects back to your repository at GitLab/LabraNet. You will need to remember move exercise issue from Doing to In Review list and write a few lines comment about what you have learned with an exercise. video.


You can try to use HTTPS version of cloning too, then you don't need to create SSH keys.


If all should be correct and student will not get teacher evaluation comments to his/her exercises repository -> send an email to teacher and teacher will check what is wrong!


Contact teacher if you have been participating this course before and you already have an mobile-exercises repository. You need to check, if exercies has been changed and then you need to delete old repository and create a new one. It is better to rename old and and create a new one, because old one will be "save" for a two weeks and you can't create a new one with the same name.


Remove .git folder from your Expo projects folders

Now you are using mobile-exercises repository (in your local computer) to store exercise projects inside it. You will use Expo CLI to create a new Expo project, when you are following some of the exercises tutorials. Expo CLI will also add Git version control inside exercise folder. You will need to remove .git folder from created project folder, because version control is already handled inside mobile-exercises folder.

Linux or macOS use below command in terminal
cd YourProject
rm -rf .git

Use File Expolorer and go to YourProject folder
Select View tab and select "Hidden items"
Now you should see .git folder and delete it

If you leave those .git folders you will get git submodule errors and it is not easy to correct!

So, don't delete your mobile-exercises .git folder! It is your main git repository and it will be used for the evaluation. Delete .git folders inside your exercise projects! Remember these .git folders will occurs for example when you are creating exercises with expo cli. For example react native cli should't do those at all.


Basic commands in Git

Here is a short list of a few git commands what you need to use with an exercises:

// Clone you repository to local computer, use your own StudentID
// You only need to do this once, when start working with a repository
git clone

// OR
git clone

// Just check what is the files status in local computer
git status

// Add modified files to your own local computer repository
git add .
git commit -m "your comment text here"

// Move modified local repository files to GitLab/LabraNet cloud
git push

Issues Board

Student needs to use mobile-exercise repository's Issues Boards and drag an exercise issue from Open to Doing section, when student start's working with an exercise. Student needs to remember move an issue to In Review section in Issues Boards, when student has completed exercise and pushed exercise work back into his/her android-exercise repository at GitLab/LabraNet.

This way teacher knows that student has finished an exercise/issue and teacher can start exercise evaluation. Teacher will move issue to Closed section in a Issues Boards, when exercise is approved or back to Doing, if there is something wrong with the exercise. Student can move issue to In Review, if student need help with an exercise.

!Issues Board

Teacher is monitoring student learning process all the time! So don't just create exercises one after another and then push all exercises back to GitLab/LabraNet, push your work after you have finished one.